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My Pets

I am a sucker for a sob story and that is why I have three pets.



Sally is from Italy. She was within two days of being put to sleep when I heard about her. Her previous owner had abused her. He had beaten her and when she was hit by a car and broke her hip, he just put her on his porch for three days. Unfortunately that has now caught up to her and she gets stiff when it is cold.
Sally is an avid hiker and loves to swim.


Chloe was in a home where she was picked on by the other cats and was loosing all her hair because of the stress. and was practically bald.  She came to my home and now terrorizes the dogs.



Piccola has traveled more than a lot of people I know. She is originally from Italy. She has lived in Connecticut, Puerto Rico, Bahrain, Washington State and Texas.
I was  walking Sally one day in Italy and Piccola who was only 3 months old followed us home. I didn't keep her because she obviously belonged to someone but I talked to my neighbor about her. Next day her owner was at my home stating he didn't want her and to please take her.