Gail's Homepage


U.S. Army-Baylor University Graduate Program in Health Care Administration | About Me | Favorite Links | Contact Me | My Pets | Vacation Photo Album | My Resume | Breast Cancer
About Me

Everything you didn't want to know about me.

Currently I am living in Texas working on my Masters which doesn't leave much free time. I love the hot weather but unfortunately there are not many places where I can hike in this area.


Ready to go with gas mask!

What a job!

I joined the Navy when the motto was it's not just a job it is an adventure. It has been proven to be true. The Navy has allowed me to travel all over the world, experience different cultures and meet wonderful people. Although I am now a healthcare administrator, my job basically changes each time I transfer to a new command.

Favorite past times
Watching movies
Good food and wine

Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:

Apollo 13
An American President
While You Were Sleeping
The Rock

Here's a list of some of my favorite music:

Miles Davis, John Mayer, David Gray